BR: 1-08 The long road

クリックすると新しいウィンドウで開きますOn July 28,1976, Terry Fox is eighteen years old. He has an "Athlete of the year" award from his school in Port Coquitlam, British Columbia.
This book is about one man. His name is Terry Fox. He is a Canadian hero. In 1977, he has cancer and there is only one answer to operate. Three weeks later, he has an artificial leg. A month later he goes back to his home, but he keep thinking of the children with cancer in the hospital. Then he remember a story about a man with one leg in the New York Marthon. So he decide to run across Canada for money. His mother says he can't do that. But he doesn't listen. In 1979, he stars to run every day. Of cource there are many trouble, but he overcomes them. After Toront, Terry doesn't run well. There is a bad pain in his lungs. After a mile, he stops. An airplane takes him back home. He keep running 3339 miles from St. John's, Newfoundland. He can't finish his long road, but there is now 1400000 dollers for sick children. He dies on June 28, 1981.

Smith, Rod, (2002), The Long Road, Pearson Education Limited, London



The city Mouse and the country Mouse
